Quoting Andreas Tille ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> After the experience of Gustavo Noronha Silva I wonder whether some
> wrappings might be equipped with RFID.  How else did custom find out
> the cheese.  They have certainly seen my bootle of wine in the lugage
> when screening it - but I doubt that it is easy to detect a cheese
> amongst other stuff in a suitcase / backpack ...

My current plan (which is still to refine) is to pack the cheese in a
big Tupperware-like box, itself packed as a gift box with nice Eiffel
tower gift paper on it...looking like a gift from Paris to some
Argentinian friends).

OK, that sounds somewhat risky (after all, they could ask me to open
the gift box) but that's worth it, no? The risk, imho, is "just"
losing the cheese if the customs folks still find it. In case they do,
I can look *very* naive just saying that I certainly didn't knew that
cheese is considered as a potentially dangerous food susbtance...

There won't certainly be any RFID stickers on cheese I'll bring as I
dobt that regular cheese shops here do even know what RFID is..:-)

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