Philipp Kern dijo [Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 12:11:49PM -0300]:
> > > Nah, the cheese I brought was actually bought in a public market, and
> > > the wrappings were ad-hoc at best.
> > FWIW: Nobody at EZE airport detected and/or cared about the cheese in
> > my luggage (not "sealed", not hidden, nothing special).
> Joachim, Frank and I didn't have our luggage checked at all at customs
> of EZE.  We were able to just walk besides and thru all checks.
> I don't know if they screen it in Argentina before they put it onto the
> transport belt, but I would also expect my luggage to be scanned at
> the departure airport.
> Now on the other hand nobody of us tried to bring cheese...  */me hides*

There seems to be a randomizing element - When I crossed, an officer
had to push a button which gave me a red light. Fortunately, that only
meant having all of my luggage go through the X-ray machine. And all
in all, I am pretty sure they weren't even looking at it - I brought 2
Kg of corn flour for some friends who specifically requested for
it. Were I to see them as a customs officer, I'd immediately think it
was cocaine or something like that.

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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