Hola Krishnamurti Nunes!

> For the Brazilian ones, the government from Argentina demands 
> vaccination against yellow fever, caused by the endemic situation that 
> happened here early at this year. It is not a matter of Brazilian 
> people been infected by the fever in Argentina, but preventing we take 
> the sickness from here.
> I think we have to take an internationaly valid vaccination document. 
> Can anyone confirm that, please?

"No vaccination certificate has to be submitted, except for cholera and
yellow fever for passengers coming from countries where those diseases are

I could find no authoritative list of the countries, however, I think the
list would include Brasil, Paraguay and Bolivia.

So, it looks like you need a vaccination certificate. I suggest you contact
the argentinian embassy if you want to be sure.

Besos,          ,''`.
       Marga   : :' :
               `. `' 
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