On Tue, 8 Jul 2008, Patty Langasek wrote:

> As an aside, please bear in mind that it takes awhile for a vaccine to be
> fully effective in your body - at least 1 to 2 weeks. If you are concerned
> about any of these diseases and wish to be vaccinated to be protected when
> you arrive in Argentina, talk to your doctor about the immunization time.
> Besides the fact that getting a vaccine the day before leave is a *really*
> bad idea, it's pointless to boot. If you're considering, you should talk to
> your doctor as soon as possible and get the vaccinations done in the next
> couple of weeks.

A further addition: Hepatitis needs two vaccinations the second about
at least three better six weeks after the first.  So if you did not
started *now* it's kind of late.  Last week I had yellow fever vaccination
because I want to go to Iguazu falls and this vaccination should have
a time delay to other vaccinations of about 10 days.  So if you wanted
to have all the ones listed in Margas mail you should have started
the procedure.

Hint: Sometimes some repellant and a mosquito net are even better
than a vaccination - so bging at least these if you want to go to
North East Argentina.

Kind regards


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