On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 01:05:38PM -0300, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> That is a bit more important.  If you are going to visit the Iguazu Falls,
> located in Misiones, then it might be a good idea to take the yellow fever
> vaccination.  However, taking into account that we are in the middle of
> winter, and the yellow fever is transmited via mosquitos, the risk is
> almost none.  So, if you don't have time to take the vaccination, it
> doesn't mean you can't visit the falls anyway.

By the way: what does winter in Mar Del Plata mean?  What degrees do I
need to prepare me for?  (Being used to European winters only...)

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
 .''`.  Philipp Kern                             Debian Developer
: :' :  http://philkern.de                       Debian Release Assistant
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