Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 05:30:23PM +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
> > FYI, Martin's explanation is at [1], which passed on Planet Debian.
> > 
> > Thx, bye,
> > Gismo / Luca
> > 
> > [1] http://blog.madduck.net/geek/2006.05.24-tr-id-at-keysigning
> FWIW, I noted down those keys I would *not* sign and didn't tell the people
> at the KSP that I would not sign them. I guess his experiment "only one in
> ten said that they would *not* sign it" is moot unless he backs it up with
> the signatures he eventually got sent from those he showed a wrong ID to.

Yes, that is true. I did the same for some people showing really weird
ID like their university cafeteria card.
> That being said I (personally) already decided not to sign people that showed
> me something that was *not* a passport and noted that in my KSP paper page
> through it. Unfortunately, I'm not confindent in my ability to disntiguish
> forgeries so that means that people:
> - showing their country's ID card

That's idiocy. The German identity card is an officially issued authentication
device and substitutes a passport. (Which is true for the whole European Union,
so you should know). In fact the identity card (despite the name written on it
and the pages holding visa stamps) is almost identical to the passport. (With
the exception of very new passports containing additional biometric features.)

> and not showing any passports or showing passports:
> - which did not had the *same* spelling as the name in the key (letter by
>   letter)

The German passport/ID card has official ASCII transliterations of umlaut
names, so if you have discarded signatures on that assumption you didn't
read exactly enough.

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