On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 09:42:07AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> As for Madduck: I hold as a proof of his identity his book, which has
> a photo of him, and I have since Debconf6. It's possible, but still
> very hard, to go through all the work to write a book and put your
> photo in it just to impersonate somebody :)

People write books in the name of someone else fairly often, actually.

No, I'm not only thinking about the Bible :)

There's professional book writers who write books than are then
published in the name of some famous politician, for example.

Or books written in the name of famous dead writers pretending to be
manuscripts found in their desk.

But I admit that books about Debian, that would be a new thing :)

However, from the book you don't get the address of madduck's home,
which is what you want when you have to go and drag him to jail if he
willingly uploads some malicious code.

This prompts me that we should probably be taking trusted notes of birth
dates and birth places, because it's hard to physically trace one person
down just given his or her name.



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