On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 05:30:23PM +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
> FYI, Martin's explanation is at [1], which passed on Planet Debian.
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
> [1] http://blog.madduck.net/geek/2006.05.24-tr-id-at-keysigning

FWIW, I noted down those keys I would *not* sign and didn't tell the people
at the KSP that I would not sign them. I guess his experiment "only one in
ten said that they would *not* sign it" is moot unless he backs it up with
the signatures he eventually got sent from those he showed a wrong ID to.

That being said I (personally) already decided not to sign people that showed
me something that was *not* a passport and noted that in my KSP paper page
through it. Unfortunately, I'm not confindent in my ability to disntiguish
forgeries so that means that people:

- showing university cards
- showing election votation cards (some from MX)
- showing their country's ID card

and not showing any passports or showing passports:

- which were hand-written or which I could not really
  understand why they had "extended expiration"
- with pictures which did not resemble the guy in front of me (beard,
  glasses, too young...)
- which did not had the *same* spelling as the name in the key (letter by

will not get a signature from me. 



PS: Maybe some will understand *now* why it took me more time to check IDs
than them.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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