Hi Rene,

thank you so much for sharing and for the explanation!!! I will try and keep you updated :)


On 03.06.2017 20:14, Rene Gassmöller wrote:
I updated the github branch. The file is not longer at the old position, instead take a look at: https://github.com/dealii/candi/pull/31


Am Freitag, 2. Juni 2017 14:55:45 UTC-4 schrieb Rene Gassmöller:

    Hi Tuanny,

    I happened to install deal.II on a Cray over the last days, and
    both compiled everything by hand and (afterwards) decided to write
    a candi script for it. Keep in mind that my instructions are for
    my specific setting and application, i.e. I compile deal.II with
    the packages p4est, trilinos, and petsc only, and do not know
    about other packages. The cluster is also a very specific system
    (Lonestar 5, of the Texas Advanced Computing Center), but yours is
    likely at least similar. Anyway, I hope this is of help to you.

    The candi platform file with instructions on how to set up the
    environment is here:

    You can download it and use it with candi by adding the option
    --platform=FILENAME where FILENAME contains the full path to this
    file. On my cluster I had two problems with candi that I needed to
    change. You can find the modifications I did here:
    <https://github.com/dealii/candi/pull/29> and
    <https://github.com/dealii/candi/pull/30>. They are not yet part
    of candi, so you will need to include them manually.

    If you decide to compile manually instead let me know, I also have
    those commands somewhere (not as nicely formatted). The most
    important point are the loaded modules, environment variables, and
    compiler options all of which you can see inside the candi script.

    Hope that helps a bit,

    Am Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2017 09:53:01 UTC-6 schrieb Tuanny Cajuhi:

        Thanks a lot, Bruno.
        I will keep trying.

        On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Bruno Turcksin
        <bruno.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

            2017-06-01 11:37 GMT-04:00 Tuanny Cajuhi <trmc...@gmail.com>:
            > You are right, thank you for the explanation. My code
            uses PetSc with MUMPS.
            > Just the output is done by Trilinos (the idea of
            joint_fe). In summary, I
            > need to add p4est.
            Download p4est, untar it, and try something like this:

            ./configure CC=cc CXX=CC F77=ftn --enable-mpi
            --without-blas --prefix=/wherever/you/want

            I may still have some scripts to install deal on cray. I
            will look for
            it tonight

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-- /Tuanny Cajuhi/
        /Computational Sciences in Engineering, //MSc /
        /+49 176 323 191 85

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