On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 01:11, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 12:14:31PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 11:02:12AM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 12:44:23PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>>>I have some testing code which only tries to create an invisible console
>>>>if the application to execv is not a Cygwin application.  It seems to
>>>>work nicely.  I'm just not sure if it's really *that* simple...
>>>I actually had some plans (which I have talked about here from time to
>>>time) for the invisible console for cygwin apps so I am not ready to
>>>admit defeat for this method yet.
>>I think I have a workaround for this which avoids the flashing console...
> I've checked in a workaround for the problem:
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-cvs/2009-q3/msg00010.html

cgf rules!!

> I checked this by removing the Windows 7 code from mintty and rebuilding
> it.  With the currently released version of Cygwin 1.7.0-50 this causes
> a windows console to be displayed on the screen along with the expected
> mintty window.  With the 20090703 snapshot, which includes Corinna's
> workaround, I got a flashing console.  With the code in CVS I got the
> expected behavior of no console flash.

But not so cool as if M$FT would correct their bugs :( booo!

> As I type this I realize that I didn't really confirm that the new
> invisible console code has the desired effect in mintty.  It is supposed
> to make some (native?) apps work better.  I thought that one of the apps
> was the "net" command and I don't have any problems running it but does
> anyone remember a specific program (maybe even a cygwin program?) which
> required the existence of a console to work correctly?  If so, I'd like
> to add it to the comments in the source code and verify that it still
> works.

Remember old DOS days? EDIT.
It even resizes my cmd window, so I bet it *must* have a strong reason
to want a console.

> If you want to try a snapshot, make sure that you grab the new helper
> app "cygwin-console-helper.exe" and put it in /bin.  Without this,
> you'll still see the same flashes as the 20090703 snapshot.  The new
> .exe file is in here:
> http://cygwin.com/snapshots/cygwin-inst-20090704.tar.bz2

Thanks for looking (hard) into this.
I've no Win7 right now, but I already downloaded a copy, just because
of these matters. I'll try it during next week.

Julio Costa

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