On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 05:41:18PM +0100, Julio Costa wrote:
>HKCU\Console\<argv[0]>\WindowPosition = 0x80008000,  where <argv[0]>
>is the name of current command being launched
>Yes, I know, more klumsy workaround... I'm not happy with that also,
>but at least avoids the console *window* flashing.
>Alas, the ShowWindow stuff it's still needed for the taskbar icon :(

You haven't programmed many multi-threaded, multi-process aware
applications if you think that setting a registry key is going to work

>Why on Earth are we having this trouble to have an available console
>all the time? Is it necessary to redirect the in/out streams? Is it
>another thing?
>I'm really trying to think 'out of the box', because it could be the
>case that there is another implementation path that doesn't really
>need consoles at all...

Yeah, what were we thinking?  We went out of our way to set up a hidden
console, expending considerable effort to do so when they really weren't

How about if you think within the box and do a google search rather than
suggesting that we didn't know what we were doing?


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