On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 10:33:47AM +0100, Andy Koppe wrote:
>2009/7/5 Christopher Faylor:
>>As I type this I realize that I didn't really confirm that the new
>>invisible console code has the desired effect in mintty.  It is
>>supposed to make some (native?) apps work better.
>No, its main purpose is to stop console subsystem applications from
>popping up their own console.  This includes most Cygwin programs
>(which I think is wrong).

Yes.  That was the main reason I originally added this to Cygwin.  Some
(presumably gui) apps did not behave correctly unless there was some
sort of console present too.  I don't remember which they are now.

>>If you want to try a snapshot, make sure that you grab the new helper
>>app "cygwin-console-helper.exe" and put it in /bin.  ??Without this,
>>you'll still see the same flashes as the 20090703 snapshot.
>I see the code for invoking it, but I don't fully understand it: how
>come the helper process doesn't show up in task manager (which is
>great, btw)?

In my testing, just starting the helper app with SW_HIDE creates a
process which doesn't live on the toolbar.  But, as the comments say,
the later SetParent call should ensure that.  Only windows which are
owned by the desktop window show up on the toolbar.


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