On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 04:52:13PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>On Jun 26 15:08, Julio Costa wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 14:36, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> > Yes, I'm aware how this would work. ?What I mean is, it's *still* a
>> > band-aid since in case of a fail to attach, you still have to alloc
>> > a console and you're back to the original problem. ?What we could do
>> > using that technique is to minimize the number of console windows.
>> > But it doesn't help to avoid them entirely. ?You have still cluttered
>> > your desktop, or rather, your taskbar with console windows.
>> >
>> I've been following this discussion, crossing fingers to someone came
>> to some conclusion, as this is the biggest show-stopper for Cygwin in
>> several months.
>> I've not access to a Win 7, but I would like at least to drop some
>> ideas to someone with more insight comment on and (hopefully) come to
>> a solution.
>> 1) If we make a service (let's call it cygconsole, or include it in
>> cygserver, whatever), with no desktop interaction, whose only purpose
>> is to AllocConsole()...
>> 1.a) do that console gets created?
>> 1.b) Is it invisible?
>> 2) IF the two answers are true, then
>> 2.a) Do an arbitary process can do an attachconsole to the PID of that 
>> service?
>> IF it is also an YES, we have a framework for an
>> workaround/alternative implementation! Cool?
>It's an interesting idea, but rather tricky to implement.  I assume
>you will get an ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when trying to attach to a console
>of another user, and a cygserver service would usually run under SYSTEM.
>Relying on a service at all doesn't sound overly tempting, either.  I'm
>still hoping for another solution.

FWIW, I can add another failure point to the mix.  I spent all day one
Saturday trying to come up with a workaround.  It looks like this is one
of the many cases where clever Microsoft programmers have worked around
the clock closing up any loopholes which would allow useful behavior.

Hmm.  As I was typing this I had another idea which I don't think I
tried.  I'll look into that this weekend.


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