I know they are downloaded from different directories release/ and release-2/ 
and installed into different versions of Cygwin [1.5] and [1.7] but up to now 
different package versions have always had different version numbers.
With the most recent update of unison this convention has been broken:

install: release/unison/unison2.27/unison2.27-2.27.57-2.tar.bz2 448302 
source:  release/unison/unison2.27/unison2.27-2.27.57-2-src.tar.bz2 686034 

install: release-2/unison/unison2.27/unison2.27-2.27.57-2.tar.bz2 447947 
source:  release-2/unison/unison2.27/unison2.27-2.27.57-2-src.tar.bz2 685849 

If the "convention" identified above is real and intended (which I hope it is) 
please could the version numbering for this latest installation of unison be corrected to 
adhere to it?

Thank you.


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