On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Heude Pascal (LTS)  wrote:
> I am using the command dos2unix to convert file from DOS to UNIX in a 
> makefile.

If that's the Cygwin version of dos2unix.exe, then I assume you are
also using the Cygwin version of make, which you are in turn running
from a Cygwin bash shell?

> But I get the return code 128 from the command

Exit code 128 is a "something went wrong but I'm not sure what"
signal.  Usually, exit codes above 128 mean that the process was
killed by a fatal signal, whose number you get if you subtract 128.
But there's no fatal signal 0, so 128 is sort of a default "execution
environment not working right for that command".  Hence my suspicion
that some non-Cygwin component is at work here.

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