Hello all, I am using the command dos2unix to convert file from DOS to UNIX in a makefile. But I get the return code 128 from the command which stop the make command. I tried to find information about the meaning of this return code without any success. Does anyone can help me ?
Thanks in advance. Pascal HEUDE Responsible of embedded software development LIEBHERR-AEROSPACE TOULOUSE SAS 408, avenue des Etats-Unis BP 52010 31016 TOULOUSE Cedex 2 - FRANCE Tél : +33 5 61 35-22-40 Fax : +33 5 61 35-29-52 Courriel: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet : www.liebherr.com Please consider the environment before printing this email. Avant d'imprimer ce mail, pensez à l'environnement.