>?On Apr  3 13:10, Brian Dessent wrote:
>>?Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

>>?> So once Cygwin learns how to speak UTF-8, I will finally be able to
>>?> backup all Windows files... :)

>>?Set CYGWIN=codepage:utf8 to enable UTF-8 support.

>?...and set LC_CTYPE=C-UTF-8, otherwise multibyte/wide char aware
>?application don't convert UTF-8 strings correctly from multibyte to
>?wide char and vice versa.

Sorry to be possibly intruding here... But with 1.5.25-11 and
both LC_CTYPE=C-UTF-8 CYGWIN=codepage:utf8 a simple command
like ls only seems to be displaying in the locale codepage...
Am I doing something wrong or is the support still limited?
(I also tried seeting LC_ALL to see if it made any difference, but nothing did)

Best Regards,

Paul-Kenji Cahier

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