On Apr  1 06:43, Eric Blake wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> According to Tomasz Chmielewski on 4/1/2008 6:34 AM:
> | Nope, they are not supported in snapshots; drive snapshots are nothing
> | different than a normal drive (I assume you're talking about VSS /
> | shadow copy snapshots for the whole drive, i.e. snapshot C:, it appears
> | as read-only V:?).
> Nope.  I'm talking about cygwin snapshots:
> http://cygwin.com/snapshots/
> http://cygwin.com/faq/faq-nochunks.html#faq.setup.snapshots

That's right, but.

<generic advice>
The problem is that long path names are supported by the snapshot Cygwin
DLLs, but not necessarily by the applications using it.  Since the
applications in the Cygwin net distro are still compiled under Cygwin
1.5.x, there's some (hopefully low) probability that applications are
using static buffers of size PATH_MAX, which is defined as 260 in 1.5.x.
So, right now, there's no guarantee that applications will be able to
deal with long path names, unless they have been compiled under a Cygwin
snapshot with all new header files installed.
</generic advice>


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