on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've got Cygwin set up on Windows XP but have run in to a problem. As
> I understand it things, "rman" is present in the default install of
> Cygwin and Setup says it's present, so shouldn't typing "rman"
> produce something other than "command not found"?  
> Secondly, how do I create a script so I don't have to re-type the
> same commands over and over again into the bash console? 
> Thanks a lot,
> Adam
> --
> Adam Richardson
> Carpe Diem

rman is supposed to be in </usr/X11R6/bin/rman>.  Probably you need to
add that directory to your path.  If it is not there, you've
misinterpreted what setup is telling you (and maybe even what default

Secondly, this question is not specific to cygwin.  Try Googling for
bash and scripts.

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