On 10/31/2006, cygwin wrote:
>> Brian Dessent wrote:
>>> > >> FYI, this question should have been sent to cygwin-xfree (at)
>>> > >> cygwin.com, not here. All X11 topics belong there.
>> > >
>> > > Sorry, I'm at the stage where I don't know enough to know where to
>> > > direct my questions. (I couldn't see a "beginner" mailing list
>> > > anywhere.)
> >
> > If you had read the list of available lists at
> > http://cygwin.com/lists.html, you would have found the correct list.
I did read that page (amongst my other research), but I guess I'm
missing something obvious - what list is aimed at cygwin "newbies"?
The lists are not so much divided up by experience as by topic. Issues
concerning X go to the cygwin-xfree list, as Brian mentioned. That's
why you were pointed to the lists page. It clearly states what kind of
questions are on-topic for each list.
Larry Hall http://www.rfk.com
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