In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Buchbinder, Barry \(NIH/NIAID\) [E] wrote:

> on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > I've got Cygwin set up on Windows XP but have run in to a problem. As
> > I understand it things, "rman" is present in the default install of
> > Cygwin and Setup says it's present, so shouldn't typing "rman"
> > produce something other than "command not found"?  
> > 
> > Secondly, how do I create a script so I don't have to re-type the
> > same commands over and over again into the bash console? 

> rman is supposed to be in </usr/X11R6/bin/rman>.  Probably you need to
> add that directory to your path.  If it is not there, you've
> misinterpreted what setup is telling you (and maybe even what default
> includes).

Well, the "Package List Search" on says that rman is
included in (amongst others) xorg-x11-man-pages which Setup has a
"keep" next to meaning they're installed presumably?

However /usr/X11R6/bin contains only a file called "run.exe". So where
is rman?

> Secondly, this question is not specific to cygwin.  Try Googling for
> bash and scripts.

Thanks. I'll have a look.


Adam Richardson
Carpe Diem

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