kralius wrote:

> changed to become visible.  The cygwin installer now also creates a
> real directory on the windows file system called cygdrive,

I don't know where you got this idea but it's absolutely not true. 
There should never be a physical directory backing the cygdrive prefix,
and no package (and certainly not setup.exe) should ever create it. 
Some users may create it to assist in tab-completion, but that is
something they would have done by hand.

> but even if
> I delete this or change the cygdrive prefix to something non-default
> (like /mnt), it will still show up (with ls, find, etc.).

This change was made in 1.5.19:
<>.  It
was a change to the code in the DLL, and it has nothing to do with flags
in the mount table.

> For a while, i suspected this had something to do with the cygdrive
> flags parameter (in the registry under ...\cygwin\mounts v2 ), but i'm
> having no success playing with that now, and the cygwin faq and
> mailing list archives are all very quiet about the subject.  The only
> mention of cygdrive flags in the registry that i could find was at
> least 3 years old and got a reply to the effect of "don't mess with
> the registry!"  (*sigh*)

Here is where your logic becomes flawed.  There is nothing in the flags
or the registry that affects this.  Looking for such a thing will not
turn up anything.  The reason that everyone always says to stop poking
around in the registry is because there is *nothing* that you can do to
the mount table in the registry that cannot be done more cleanly and
safely with mount/umount.  That is the entire reason why those commands
exist.  All of the values of 'flags' map directly onto the various
options for "mount".

> Does anyone have an idea how to get the old behavior back of hiding
> the cydrive prefix directory?

If you're using find then I suggest looking at its manual, and using

> And, whether or not it is related, does anyone know how the cygdrive
> flags parameter is defined, what options can be set with it, etc. ?

man mount


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