Does the following do what you want?
        mount -u -b --change-cygdrive-prefix "/"

You may want to change the -u and -b options to fit your circumstances.

(I'm surprised that this wasn't mentioned previously, so I may have
misunderstood and this may not be the solution to the problem.)

- Barry

Stepp, Charles wrote:
>  Symlink?
> ln -s /cygdrive/c /c
> Charles Stepp
> Unix SA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kralius [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: cygdrive flags / hiding cygdrive prefix directory (the
> old 
> behavior)
> Thanks for the reply.
>>> The only mention
>>> of cygdrive flags in the registry that i could find was at least 3
>>> years old and got a reply to the effect of "don't mess with the
>>> registry!" (*sigh*)
>> Which apparently didn't serve as a clue?
> The hint was written before the always-visible cygdrive ..feature..
> came into play, so i figured it was worth asking again.  Aside from
> that, though, notions like "hands off" and "not possible" strike me
> as a little bit out-of-place for cygwin, i have to admit.  I imagine
> many of its users (like myself) are interested in how it works, and
> in playing around with it (even at the risk of breaking things).  I'd
> certainly welcome getting pointed in the right direction to something
> like the bit definitions for cygdrive flags in the source...      
> But, assuming cygdrive flags has nothing to do with the visibility
> issue, (it looks like it happened to /proc and others at the same 
> time,) does anyone know/remember where the change was made to make
> these special directories visible? 
> Thanks!
> - kral
> On 6/13/06, Christopher Faylor
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 08:22:20PM -0500, kralius wrote:
>>> I'm trying to find a way to make the cygdrive prefix directory
>>> (default: /cygdrive) appear hidden within cygwin (for example, to
>>> ls or find). 
>>> This was actually the old behavior in cygwin, but at some point it
>>> changed to become visible.  The cygwin installer now also creates a
>>> real directory on the windows file system called cygdrive, but even
>>> if I delete this or change the cygdrive prefix to something
>>> non-default (like /mnt), it will still show up (with ls, find,
>>> etc.). 
>>> For a while, i suspected this had something to do with the cygdrive
>>> flags parameter (in the registry under ...\cygwin\mounts v2 ), but
>>> i'm having no success playing with that now, and the cygwin faq and
>>> mailing list archives are all very quiet about the subject.  The
>>> only mention of cygdrive flags in the registry that i could find
>>> was at least 3 years old and got a reply to the effect of "don't
>>> mess with the registry!" (*sigh*)
>> Which apparently didn't serve as a clue?
>>> Does anyone have an idea how to get the old behavior back of hiding
>>> the cydrive prefix directory? 
>>> And, whether or not it is related, does anyone know how the cygdrive
>>> flags parameter is defined, what options can be set with it, etc.  ?
>> The cygdrive prefix is controlled with the mount program.  Anything
>> that it is possible to do with it is mentioned there.  It is not
>> possible to hide it currently.
>> As you have discovered, the cygdrive parameter isn't there for you to
>> play with via regedit.  It is really intended to be manipulated with
>> the mount command. 
>> cgf

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