On 6/13/06, Brian Dessent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> changed to become visible.  The cygwin installer now also creates a
> real directory on the windows file system called cygdrive,

I don't know where you got this idea but it's absolutely not true.
There should never be a physical directory backing the cygdrive prefix,
and no package (and certainly not setup.exe) should ever create it.
Some users may create it to assist in tab-completion, but that is
something they would have done by hand.

I agree that it shouldn't create this directory... But i have tried
this a couple more times to verify.  If i only do a base install, it
does not create a physical cygdrive directory, but if i install
everything, it does.  (for reference, this is from a full download to
disk on june 8, 2006 from the sourceware.mirrors.tds.net mirror).

This change was made in 1.5.19:
<http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2006-01/msg00016.html>.  It
was a change to the code in the DLL, and it has nothing to do with flags
in the mount table.

Great!  This is what i was looking for.  Do you think anyone at cygwin
would consider making this feature optional in a later release?

- Kral

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