At 03:11 AM 7/3/2005, you wrote:
>Hi, Larry,
>Do you mean I should install bash 3.0-2 to solve this

No I don't.  Brian commented that he had seen this problem with
3.0, though I believe Eric has fixed this now.  In any case, my
intention was to note that you were using bash 2.05b-17, which 
Brian was suggesting you use if you weren't already.  It seems
you are using 2.05b-17 so I'd follow Brian's advice and stick with 
that for now.

>Where is the bash test version? 

Once you get to the package chooser, you can select the "Exp" radio 
button to have setup show you versions of your installed packages 
that have test version upgrades.  Be aware that once you install a 
test version, you will need to pick the "Exp" radio button each time
you run setup if you don't want to be automatically downgraded to the
current release version.

>I have run
>Cygwin well a year up to these days I intalled it
>again. My memory is big enough. I would appreciate if
>you would let me know.

My suggestion was merely for you to make sure that you don't have other
memory hungry processes running while you do this configure/make.  As Eric
notes, this is a typical reason for this error and is not a bash issue
per se.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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