At 07:04 PM 7/6/2005, you wrote:
>Hi, Larry,
>It is just easy to install (the download site is
> I
>would appreciate if you would help. 

Yes, I understand.  Well, let's hope that if/when I find
the space to download and the time to build/install, it
goes as easy as you suggest.  Like I said, I'll report 
my results in this thread if I have any.

>By the way, which
>package in Cygwin can support unzip? I can't use
>winzip since it can't automatically unzip the file to
>the aimed directory.

I haven't checked this zip file but the comments about it made me
believe that it was a pure Windows zip file.  It mentioned something
about making sure that your Cygwin install directory was c:\cygwin.
(I would normally double check all this before posting but the site
appears to be down at my time of posting so I'm working from memory).
Anyway, if I am remembering correctly, then WinZip should work "just
fine" if your installation meets that restriction.  As for 'unzip',
I mentioned in:


this utility can be found in the Cygwin unzip package.  Re-run 'setup.exe'
and install that package if you have not already.


Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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