At 02:05 AM 7/5/2005, Question NS wrote:
>While I install NS2.28, it tells no gcc, but I
>actually installed gcc, and during the installation,
>it said my gcc is not a cross compile, I don't know if
>this is matter. And if it is, which gcc version shall
>I install? I ran the strace.exe command, get the
>following lines, Thank you for support. I look forward
>to your reply.

OK, it appears that I have not been very clear with my
previous response.  Let me see if I can rectify that.
I mentioned strace as one possible avenue to finding the
source of the "Resource temporarily unavailable" message
and perhaps some context.  But I intended that to be a 
hopefully helpful option for you to explore on your end 
and *perhaps* report some digested portion to the list.
There's really little value to dumping the output of 
strace into a mail message and sending it to the list,
especially with little or no context.  Also, in case we're
not connecting on what constitutes a simple, small example,
NS 2.28 does not fit that definition in my view, if you were
thinking it might.  If you can come up with an example of 
perhaps a few hundred lines of code or something similar, 
that might qualify.  But I'm probably not going to download 
the 57MB or so of source to try to see if I can reproduce 
your problem and I expect others on this list would be 
similarly reluctant.  

As I expect you're aware (since you're far more familiar with 
NS than I am, having been introduced to it by you), there is a 
zip of binaries built for Cygwin that you can download and use 


But, presuming you do want to build from source rather than 
use pre-built binaries, I can offer one other suggestion.  
You've related 3 different errors, in 4 separate messages 
today, that may or may not have Cygwin as the least common 
denominator.  So let me ask, do you have any virus program 
running?  If so, you may want to try disabling it and perform 
your build without it.  It could be causing you these
difficulties too.


Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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