> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Valery A. Frolov
> Sent: 16 September 2004 20:15
> >> And after while I've got (IMHO) a little test source (attached) to
> >> reproduce the problem.
> > 
> > Can anyone confirm this problem?
> So, after week of silence I can make the decision that this 
> problem has
> been happened only for me (because no one has confirmed it). Anyway,
> many many thanks for all Cygwin's developers for their great job.
> Let source be with you, Cygwin! (c) almost Star Wars. :)
> WBR,
>  Valery

  Ok, here ya go, I guess if you went to the trouble of
http://cygwin.com/acronyms#PPAST 'ing, I can take a couple of minutes to
check it out for you!  :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/pthread> gcc -O2 -g -o sb sig_bug.c
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/pthread> ./sb
new thread start
got signal 30
OK, press any key to exit...
got signal 30
got signal 30
select was interrupted 1 times
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/pthread> gcc -O2 -g -o sb sig_bug.c -lpthread
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/pthread> ./sb
new thread start
got signal 30
OK, press any key to exit...
got signal 30
got signal 30
select was interrupted 1 times
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/pthread>

  No SEGV for me.  -lpthread didn't seem necessary.  I'm using a version of
the cygwin1.dll built from CVS sources on 20041407.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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