Reini wrote:

>> Someone who knows this library, you know tell me how to install the new
>> version of her (gmp-4.1.3)???

>    it's a female in portoguese? or just in brazil :)

> get the cygwin gmp-4.1.2-1 src package.
> get the updated gmp-4.1.3 package.
> apply the cygwin build script to the new version (change the version
> number), just use prefix=/usr/local please.

> this will apply the cygwin patches to the new version,
> calls configure with the cygwin specific calls and calls make.
> do your custom installation in to /usr/local/ then.
> also unstall the cygwin gmp-4.1.2-1 package via setup.exe

This won't work, the GMP package is very special.  The maintainer has
all the work already done, but it was not uploaded yet because we
wanted another review because this package was broken a long time and
it doesn't compile out of the box, I'll try to verify that it works
now and load it up then.  Until then, I have a version online at
my site, this works and was the base of the actual port done by the

To build from source with my patch, be sure to read the README:


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