On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 07:08:59PM +0100, Vince Hoffman wrote:
>This comes up on here every now and then and if i didnt think it was a
>possible issue i wouldnt have brought it up.  Mind you IANAL so i could
>have bought this up for nothing, thus passing the buck to to other
>(hopefully) more knowledgeable people than me (ie the list)

Tracking these kind of things down was one of the most odious parts of
my nebulous cygwin-related responsibilities for Red Hat but I *always*
appreciated the efforts of people like you, Vince, who brought this kind
of stuff to our attention.  It's especially brave of you to raise the
issue since you've been around long enough to know what kind of
responses you'll get.

As I am sure you know, mentioning the GPL always starts a Rube Goldberg
reaction of interpretation from would-be lawyers, zealots, or people who
are unsatisfied with following the rules and assume they should have
more rights to the software than the owners of the software intend to

I am sure that Corinna appreciates knowing about these matters, too.
Just before I left I tried to set up an arrangement with Red Hat legal
to let them handle these type of things so that she wouldn't have to be
saddled with this responsibility.  It looks like this might be a trial
of that arrangement.


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