On May  6 19:02, Dave Korn wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: 06 May 2004 18:47
> > You do get a T-shirt for filing the assignment, which is 
> > intended to cover
> > all of your subsequent contributions.
>   Ah, that explains it.  Yep, a t-shirt is definitely a "material
> consideration" <g>  
> > In addition to the physical payment of a T-shirt, the 
> > developers get the
> > goodwill of the community, although I don't think this could 
> > be counted as
> > "consideration" under the above definition, no matter how good and
> > valuable it is.
>   And indeed, since the goodwill of the community does not belong to RH, it
> isn't within their purview to give to anyone, and so can't be part of the
> exchange.
>   But the T-shirt does the trick.  Hell, that's worth far more than a
> peppercorn!

Unfortunately only US contributors get the T-shirt these days.  I'll try
to get that straight again. 

Other than that, practically nobody of us IAL and I'm in contact with
our legal department about the Cygwin copyright assignment.  Let them
do their job, we just care for the code, ok?


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