On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Larry Hall wrote:

> At 11:15 AM 4/14/2004, you wrote:
> >On Wednesday, April 14, 2004, at 04:25PM, Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PCYMTNQREAIYR>
> >[snip]
> >
> >>>Most of my co-workers already switched to using bash, since there never
> >>>was an issue with it. Now I could do that too but I love zsh. ;)
Incorrect.  There have been issues with bash.  Usually these are resolved
with a snapshot.

> >>>Anyone else experiencing this? Comments? Ideas? Shrieking epitaphs?
> >>
> >>
> >>Sure.   There have been some problems over time.  Check the email archives
> >>if you're interested in details.
> >
> >Actually I did check the archives whenever I had issues with zsh/cygwin
> >in the past.
> Good.  Thanks.

In that case, you should already know that most problems encountered thus
far have been resolved with the latest package update of zsh and with a
recent cygwin DLL snapshot (http://www.cygwin.com/snapshots/)

Until the next formal updated of cygwin, itself, please upgrade to the
latest zsh and pull down a recent cygwin snapshot.  And if you have
problems, as Larry says below, please submit a problem report.

> >>I have a sneaking suspicion that you began this thread for a reason but
> >>I'm not going to jump to any conclusions (or 'take the bait' ;-) )
> >
> >It's definitely not meant as a flame or anything like that. If it
> >sounded that way, I'm sorry.
> >
> >I realize the initial post was vague, but that was intentional.
> >I don't want to discuss the _current_ issue with zsh/cygwin, (if it
> >still exists like about 1month ago) but was more wondering how fellow
> >zsh/cygwin users feel about the situation and how they usually
> >handle the problems. (like maybe they use zsh for 'regular work' but
> >have a lil wrapper for 'make' which starts it in a bash or something
> >like that)
> The best way to handle problems is to report them in as much detail as
> possible and/or work to resolve them (patch/test/debug).  The ways
> that you mention above to handle the problems are "work-arounds".  If
> possible, it's best to avoid this situation and just fix the problems
> instead.  Hopefully, that makes everyone feel happy. ;-)

FWIW, I use only zsh both at home and work (started from a .bat file,
usually) ... but then, I am the maintainer for zsh on Cygwin, so eating
my own dog-food it a must :)

And, the price of new features is bugs and instability.  Once things are
shaken out, it'll get stable again.  You can either be part of the
shake-out process (and submit problem reports!) or wait, patiently, for
others to do so.  Sorry, that's the best I can offer.  In the near future
I'll be trying to offer cvs/current snapshots of zsh, which may or may
not make things better or worse :)

> --
> Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com

        "Cats are just autistic Dogs" -- Dr. Tony Attwood

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