At 03:28 AM 4/14/2004, you wrote:
>I'm a zsh-user since like forever and use cygwin for a several years
>now. Every now and then when I made an update to my cygwin-environment
>(on an Win2k platform with NTFS) I had issues with the newest
>version when it came to running make. It either looped forever
>or just hung somewhere.
>I usually could get rid of that by downgrading either the cygin-lib
>itself or zsh or both, then waiting 1-2 months and then update again
>and then it usually worked. But this kinda gets tiring. :) (and atm
>the current cygwin/zsh combination has issues for me again - at least
>the ones one month ago... didn't check today yet ;)
>Most of my co-workers already switched to using bash, since there never
>was an issue with it. Now I could do that too but I love zsh. ;)
>Anyone else experiencing this? Comments? Ideas? Shrieking epitaphs?

Sure.   There have been some problems over time.  Check the email archives 
if you're interested in details.

I have a sneaking suspicion that you began this thread for a reason but 
I'm not going to jump to any conclusions (or 'take the bait' ;-) )

>PS. Yeah, I could just not update my cygwin environment but once in a
>while I want a new package and then I'd like to update all the stuff. :)

Great!  Glad you find the Cygwin stuff useful.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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