At 08:44 PM 10/13/2003, Edward Peschko you wrote:
>> >Fair enough, but you *can* 'pre' approve entrance to the developer's list. 
>> >Remember, you try to subscribe and you get asked four questions?
>> You don't need to be on the Cygwin developers list to create patches
>> for Cygwin or play around with the code.  Patches can be submitted either
>> to cygwin-patches (preferred) or this list (not so much but tolerated).
>> You should target cygwin-patches for something like what you're interested
>> in doing.  
>that's just odd. ok, well that's just not the way I'm used to doing things.
>On perl5-porters, more than half the discussion is about the merits of 
>patches and the submission of patches. 

That happens at cygwin-patches here.  Different project, different lists.

>And anyways, don't you need to sign some sort of attribution of your source code over
>to the cygwin group? Or is that integrated into cygwin-patches? And what about 
>submissions to folders outside of winsup? Is there a centralized place to submit 

Time to head back to the documentation.  See <>

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
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