At 07:52 PM 10/13/2003, Edward Peschko you wrote:
>> The answer is - the Cygwin team is under no obligation to accept patches
>> to Cygwin to do anything.  Patches are accepted and merged based on merit 
>> of the patch and adherence with Cygwin standards.  If your patch passes 
>> these hurdles, it will be accepted.  If not, it will be rejected (with 
>> comments of course so you may very well be able to address the issues and
>> "resubmit").  No one will pre-approve a concept.  We need to see code.
>Fair enough, but you *can* 'pre' approve entrance to the developer's list. 
>Remember, you try to subscribe and you get asked four questions?

You don't need to be on the Cygwin developers list to create patches
for Cygwin or play around with the code.  Patches can be submitted either
to cygwin-patches (preferred) or this list (not so much but tolerated).
You should target cygwin-patches for something like what you're interested
in doing.  

>Well, I would like the venue to submit patches that way. 

Understood.  But the Cygwin developers list isn't just about patches.
There's really no need for you to be on that list to do what you have
talked about.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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