> >Fair enough, but you *can* 'pre' approve entrance to the developer's list. 
> >Remember, you try to subscribe and you get asked four questions?
> You don't need to be on the Cygwin developers list to create patches
> for Cygwin or play around with the code.  Patches can be submitted either
> to cygwin-patches (preferred) or this list (not so much but tolerated).
> You should target cygwin-patches for something like what you're interested
> in doing.  

that's just odd. ok, well that's just not the way I'm used to doing things.
On perl5-porters, more than half the discussion is about the merits of 
patches and the submission of patches. 

And anyways, don't you need to sign some sort of attribution of your source code over
to the cygwin group? Or is that integrated into cygwin-patches? And what about 
submissions to folders outside of winsup? Is there a centralized place to submit these?


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