On 2/26/2025 23:25, Jan Nijtmans via Cygwin wrote:
Op wo 26 feb 2025 om 22:08 schreef Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps <

On 2025-02-26 12:30, Jim Garrison via Cygwin wrote:
The current sqlite3 package is from 2020 and is seriously out of date,
many core functions that have been added since then.

I have never built/contributed an updated package, but would be willing
to try
if the current maintainer, Jan Nijtmans (according to the source page)
is no
longer available or doesn't have the time. I have a development
mostly Linux.

Hi all,

I'll try to find time to update this, in the coming weeks. The problem is
sqlite for cygwin has some cygwin-specific changes, which were never
accepted upstream. So it's not trivial to do that. An additional problem
is that sqlite upstream doesn't use autoconf any more. I'll see what's
the best way to handle that.

           Jan Nijtmans

There seems to have been some discussion on the sqlite forum on making cygwin/msys/mingw builds easier. In case you're not aware of it, the thread is at


Jim Garrison

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