Hi Andrey.

On Saturday, January 25, 2025 07:22 AM, Andrey Repin expressed:
> > takeown /R /F c:\cygwin64\*
> Eh. That was absolutely unnecessary. Given the path, you most likely had it
> installed with administrator rights. Thus no need to adjust permissions on
> whole tree.
> Only your /home/$USER directory would need to be chown'ed, and that can be
> done using cygwin's own tools from elevated shell.

Thanks. That is one of the problem: I am not an administrator of that machine. 
And I tried chown first, which worked within the /home directory. But, the 
installation was still owned by the old user. I even reinstalled all picked 
packages, and the ownership of the installation was still the old user. Anyway, 
next time I will take more time to give it more thought. But, I was under a 
time constraint. I appreciate your input always.


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