Greetings, José Isaías Cabrera!

>> My windows account just changed from e608313 to u618346 and I would like to
>> > use the old setup that I had on the old account under the new account in
>> > cygwin. How is this possible? Thanks.
>> >
>> This may be possible by using the native Windows icacls tool. Running
>> 'icacls /?' shows the following:
>> ICACLS name /save aclfile [/T] [/C] [/L] [/Q]
>> Stores the DACLs for the files and folders that match the name into aclfile
>> for later use with /restore. Note that SACLs, owner, or integrity labels
>> are not saved.
>> ICACLS directory [/substitute SidOld SidNew [...]] /restore aclfile [/C]
>> [/L] [/Q]
>> Applies the stored DACLs to files in directory.
>> I don't know if icacls reorders ACEs in ACLs (messing up cygwin's
>> permissions). You would need to test.

> I looked into this, but I ran,

> takeown /R /F c:\cygwin64\*

Eh. That was absolutely unnecessary. Given the path, you most likely had it
installed with administrator rights. Thus no need to adjust permissions on
whole tree.
Only your /home/$USER directory would need to be chown'ed, and that can be
done using cygwin's own tools from elevated shell.

> which sounded like what I wanted, but it damaged the installation. gcc
> didn't work after that, but it was running before. Anyway, I took a picture
> of the packages I had installed, and started from scratch. Thanks for the
> support. I should have had, perhaps, done the icacls. But, one learns every 
> day. :-)

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Saturday, January 25, 2025 15:20:57

Sorry for my terrible english...

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