On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 12:33 PM Jose I Cabrera wrote:

My windows account just changed from e608313 to u618346 and I would like to
> use the old setup that I had on the old account under the new account in
> cygwin. How is this possible? Thanks.

This may be possible by using the native Windows icacls tool. Running
'icacls /?' shows the following:

ICACLS name /save aclfile [/T] [/C] [/L] [/Q]

Stores the DACLs for the files and folders that match the name into aclfile
for later use with /restore. Note that SACLs, owner, or integrity labels
are not saved.

ICACLS directory [/substitute SidOld SidNew [...]] /restore aclfile [/C]
[/L] [/Q]

Applies the stored DACLs to files in directory.

I don't know if icacls reorders ACEs in ACLs (messing up cygwin's
permissions). You would need to test.

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