On Feb  7 19:01, matthew patton via Cygwin wrote:
> > The problem seems to be that OpenSSH does not even arrive at checking the 
> >home diretory> or the .ssh directory. It starts checking every directory in 
> >the path and fails already at "/cygdrive/c/Users"
> I don't think we can win an argument with Theo over how misguided and 
> unnecessary meddling the OpenSSH code is being. Ownership that diverges from 
> 0 (or 2, or 18) should be a mere WARNING, not an ERROR until validity checks 
> get to the user's actual $HOME and/or  the authorized_keys directory+file. 
> /home in cygwin is just [OS drive]/cygwin64/home so that doesn't fix 
> anything. I personally set the Cygwin FSTAB to
> C:/Users /home  none    binary  0 0
> Unfortunately I think we need an #IFDEF on safe_path() to force it back into 
> it's lane.Anyone want to tangle with Theo?

You can switch off the extended path permission checks by
changing your /etc/sshd_config file.

See the "StrictModes" setting in `man sshd_config'


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