On 06.02.2024 22:22, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2024-02-05 18:36, Eliot Moss via Cygwin wrote:
On 2/5/2024 8:28 PM, Frank-Ulrich Sommer via Cygwin wrote:
On 05.02.2024 00:53, Frank-Ulrich Sommer via Cygwin wrote:
I'm trying to run cygsshd on my PC with Windows 11 and connect from a linux 
machine. I have added the public key to 
/cygdrive/c/Users/xxx/.ssh/authorized_keys and created a symbolic link from  
/cygdrive/c/Users/xxx/.ssh to /home/xxx/.ssh. As usual I checked the access 
rights and mode of the .ssh directory (700 and belongs to user xxx) and the 
authorized_keys file (600 and also belongs to user xxx) and also of the home 
directory (had to change ownership).

Change the symlink from Cygwin home to your home, as symlinks have a+rwx perms, 
so you can not use one for .ssh:

    $ ln -sv `cygpath -aU "C:/Users/$USER"` /home/

Currently I'm reluctant to do this as my current cygwin home directory looks quite 
"clean" and does not contain hundreds of Windows files and subdirectories. I 
just added the link as the .ssh directory was automatically created as 
/cygdrive/c/Users/fus/.ssh and I wanted to have an easier access and avoid having two 
different .ssh directories which showed to be quite risky in the past.
Now I get the following strange messages:
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: temporarily_use_uid: 
197609/197121 (e=18/18)
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: trying public key file 
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: fd 5 clearing O_NONBLOCK
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: Authentication refused: bad ownership or 
modes for directory /cygdrive/c/Users
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: restore_uid: 18/18
Why is cygsshd complaining about the Windows "Users" directory and not about 
the directory of user xxx (/cygdrive/c/Users/xxx)? And how can I solve this?

Looking at the OpenSSH source code (on Github, not from Cygwin) I found a function 
"safe_path" that checks that the ownership and access modes for all path components are 
correct.  This relies on "platform_sys_dir_uid" which checks if a UID may own a system 
directory. The code checks for UID zero and might also accept an OS specific second value 
(PLATFORM_SYS_DIR_UID) but for Cygwin this seems not to be set. But I don't know where to find the 
source code for the exact version that is used in Cygwin and I'm unsure about build settings.

Run Cygwin setup and select package openssh Source checkbox to download the 
source package, or go to your Cygwin upstream mirror and download the source 
tarball shown in setup.ini prefixed with your nearest Cygwin mirror site e.g.


Build settings are in the Cygwin package build control script definitions file 
openssh.cygport in the source tarball or build repo:



Thanks for that tip, I found and installed it and succeeded to build it with 
additional info in the error message (see below).
A comment defines this a safe path as follows:
"This is defined as all components of the path to the file must be owned by either 
the owner of the file or root and no directories must be group or world writable."

The "Users" directory is owned by "SYSTEM" (numeric: 18 according to stat) and 
only writable by Administrators and SYSTEM. The mode cygwin shows for /cygdrive/c/Users is 0750 
which should be OK.

So my question is: are "Administrators" and "SYSTEM" different users and does 
cygsshd accept SYSTEM (numeric 18) as a valid user who may own system directories? If the numeric 
ID is really 18 I can't see how this check can succeed but I'm not sure the code used in Cygwin is 
the same.

    $ id SYSTEM
    uid=18(SYSTEM) gid=18(SYSTEM) groups=544(Administrators),18(SYSTEM)

OK, I get the same on my system which seems to be Windows standard.
Administrators and SYSTEM are not the same.  And neither is exactly equivalent
to the concept of root in POSIX.  SYSTEM (in my experience) is used for things
like backup tools that needs access to almost every file. Administrators is for
system administration.  I don't have deep knowledge of all of this - others can
give a deeper / more nuanced answer.

Look at permissions at all levels:

$ lsattr -d ~/.ssh/;echo;ls -dl ~/.ssh/;echo;getfacl ~/.ssh/;\
                icacls `cygpath -m ~/.ssh`
------------ /home/BWI/.ssh/

drwx------ 1 $USER None 0 Mar  8  2023 /home/$USER/.ssh/

# file: /home/$USER/.ssh/
# owner: $USER
# group: None

.../.ssh/ $HOST\$USER:(F)
          CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)
          CREATOR GROUP:(OI)(CI)(IO)(Rc,S,RA)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

this results in:


$ lsattr -d ~/.ssh/;echo;ls -dl ~/.ssh/;echo;getfacl ~/.ssh/;                
icacls `cygpath -m ~/.ssh`
------------ /home/fus/.ssh/

drwx------+ 1 fus fus 0 Feb  4 23:35 /home/fus/.ssh/

# file: /home/fus/.ssh/
# owner: fus
# group: fus
group:SYSTEM:rw-        #effective:---
group:Administratoren:rw-       #effective:---
default:group:SYSTEM:rw-        #effective:---
default:group:Administratoren:rw-       #effective:---

C:/Users/fus/.ssh/ NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(DENY)(X)

1 Dateien erfolgreich verarbeitet, bei 0 Dateien ist ein Verarbeitungsfehler 


# add perm query cmds for info before and after changes
$ chmod -c u+rwx,go-rwx    ~/.ssh/
$ setfacl -b        ~/.ssh/
$ chmod -c u+rwx,go-rwx    ~/.ssh/    # same as before

then ls -l ~/.ssh/ and ensure that:

- non-key ssh files    ...        have    u+rw-x,go-rwx     perms,
- private key files    id_...        have    u+r-wx,go-rwx perms, and
- public key files    id_*.pub    have    a+r-wx         perms.

The problem seems to be that OpenSSH does not even arrive at checking the home diretory or the .ssh 
directory. It starts checking every directory in the path and fails already at 
"/cygdrive/c/Users". Now that I know how to get the sources I added debug output to the 
error message. OpenSSH sees this directory as belonging to user with UID 18 and it has mode 4750. 
Mode ist checked not to contain 0022 which is fine here. Then it checks that the owner is the 
correct system user and the only criteria is that the UID must be zero. Only for AIX and HPUX the 
user "bin" with UID 2 is also accepted. So this check fails and OpenSSH assumes that the 
directory does not belong to the correct privileged system user.

I think the only way to fix this with the current OpenSSH is disabling strict 
mode, but normally I'm quite reluctant to do something like that.2

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