
I'm trying to run cygsshd on my PC with Windows 11 and connect from a linux 
machine. I have added the public key to 
/cygdrive/c/Users/xxx/.ssh/authorized_keys and created a symbolic link from  
/cygdrive/c/Users/xxx/.ssh to /home/xxx/.ssh. As usual I checked the access 
rights and mode of the .ssh directory (700 and belongs to user xxx) and the 
authorized_keys file (600 and also belongs to user xxx) and also of the home 
directory (had to change ownership).

Now I get the following strange messages:

Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: temporarily_use_uid: 
197609/197121 (e=18/18)
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: trying public key file 
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: fd 5 clearing O_NONBLOCK
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: Authentication refused: bad ownership or 
modes for directory /cygdrive/c/Users
Feb  5 00:35:50 XXXXX sshd: PID 2798: debug1: restore_uid: 18/18

Why is cygsshd complaining about the Windows "Users" directory and not about 
the directory of user xxx (/cygdrive/c/Users/xxx)? And how can I solve this?


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