On Feb 15 15:31, w6b7rk5yu4mt25v3 via Cygwin wrote:
> I asked the developer of the interpreter. He said it's OK to use the 
> PAGE_SIZE value different than 4096. So I used this dirty hack:
> #ifndef __CYGWIN__
> #define PAGE_SIZE 4096
> #endif
> This means on Cygwin it will use the default PAGE_SIZE defined on limits.h 
> (I'm taking advantage of the naming conflict here so I don't have to rename 
> PAGE_SIZE to JIT_PAGE_SIZE as suggested by the developer of the interpreter).
> The result is it's no longer error with "Unable to mprotect" but will
> silently crashed without any error messages printed on the screen. So
> after all, it's Cygwin's quirks here.

I still think it's a bug in the code which requires some debugging effort
on your side.

Having said that, if it's actually a Cygwin bug and you want it fixed,
please provide a *simple*, self-contained testcase in plain C, with a
minimum of code to reproduce the issue, and which compiles OOTB.


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