On 2023-02-15 14:40, w6b7rk5yu4mt25v3 via Cygwin wrote:
You misunderstood what I said.

It's really just a naming conflict and a coincident. On the context of the 
source code (it's an interpreter), PAGE_SIZE is indeed JIT_PAGE_SIZE (not the 
system page size, but the page size defined internally by the interpreter). On 
Linux, the name doesn't conflict. On Cygwin, I found on limits.h and 
cygwin/limits.h already defined PAGE_SIZE so it caused a naming conflict:

#define __PAGESIZE 65536

But the problem not related to the naming conflict. If I renamed PAGE_SIZE to 
JIT_PAGE_SIZE, the problem is still there. The problem is Cygwin will not work with 
JIT_PAGE_SIZE = 4096. Please have a look at the code I posted. It will always error with 
"Unable to mprotect".

The Linux man page for mprotect says that the address MUST be aligned
(with the systems PAGE_SIZE).  Your call to posix_memalign is NOT
aligning the allocation with the systems PAGE_SIZE (65536), but with
your PAGE_SIZE (4096).

You need to allocate memory that is aligned with the systems PAGE_SIZE.

if(posix_memalign((void**)&buffer, (PAGE_SIZE>JIT_PAGE_SIZE) ? PAGE_SIZE : JIT_PAGE_SIZE, available)) { ... }

Attachment: OpenPGP_0x473CD05C78734E49.asc
Description: OpenPGP public key

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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