PAGE_SIZE is just a naming conflict. If you change it to something else, 
JIT_PAGE_SIZE for example, it still fails. The problem is Cygwin is not fine 
with the particular value 4096 but the program needs the value to be exactly 
4096. About why I also sent to developer list, see:

This problem is well known at least.

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------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Corinna Vinschen <>
Date: On Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 at 17:32
Subject: Re: Why do these mprotect always fail?
To: <>
CC: w6b7rk5yu4mt25v3 <>

> cygwin-developers is for developers woking on Cygwin itself, not for
> developers using Cygwin to develop something else. I dropped the ML
> from the recipient list.
> And please don't top-post. Thanks.
> On Feb 15 09:43, w6b7rk5yu4mt25v3 via Cygwin wrote:
> > Almost forgot, PAGE_SIZE is set to 4096. This is a Linux application,
> > when I compile on Cygwin it complained that PAGE_SIZE is redefined but
> > the compilation was success nevertheless. Only when I run the
> > application, I always exited with "Unable to mprotect".
> PAGESIZE is 64K on Cygwin. If you change that, it breaks and you can
> keep the pieces.
> It would be nice to send a complete, self-contained STC() in plain C,
> so reproducing your issue is simple and doesn't require to rework
> your code to get a running, debuggable testcase.
> Corinna
> ()

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