Apparently the latest bash in Cygwin modified the read builtin to use Cygwin-specific shell option igncr to control ignoring \r characters in the input (still not clear if that ignores \r\n sequences, or \r followed by anything else will be also ignored). This broke a mysql database backup script I had - specfiically reading output of `show databases` sql command. Since I never used the `igncr` shell option, with the latest bash update the `read` built-in reads the database names with \r at the end. I considered enabling the `igncr` option everywhere, by declaring a SHELLOPTS=igncr Windows environment variable, however immediately it created an issue with my two-line PS1 prompt, which contains \n.
# PS1='\e[1;30m\D{%T}\e[m$(test \j -ne 0 && echo " \e[1;37mj:\j\e[m")${STY:+ \e[1;32m${STY%%.*}\e[m} \e[1;33m\w\e[m\n# ' 14:32:22 /usr/local/bin # set -o igncr bash: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `)' bash: command substitution: line 1: `test 0 -ne 0 && echo " j:0")' 14:32:24{STY:+ } /usr/local/bin # set +o igncr 14:32:26 /usr/local/bin # What's wrong with this? It works fine on a Linux box. I'm considering rolling back bash until I can figure this out. I really think it was an unwise move to hastily modify the `read` bash built-in's behavior without a lot of testing. And basically now I should either put Cygwin-specific checks (if cygwin, then set igncr shell option) in all of my scripts that *might* be affected, or be forced to set igncr shell option system-wide, which I'd prefer not to do. Can't imagine I'm the only guy whose scripts might be getting weird problems now. Unless everybody been using `igncr` shell option (off by default) for ages, and I'm the only guy who just heard about that? Personally I don't like the `igncr` option's behavior. I want my bash scripts to fail if somebody saved (or checked out from git) with CRLF line endings. If it happens, I will notice immediately and then fix them. Don't want to have bash scripts with CRLF line endings lurking on my system, pretending to be nice - then one day I'll copy one to my Linux box where it will break, surprising me more than when I first created it or checked out from git. Regards, --Gene -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: