On 2016-08-29 19:43, Eric Blake wrote:
On 08/28/2016 03:20 PM, Gene Pavlovsky wrote:
Re-posting a reply I got from Henri (aka Houder) hou...@xs4all.nl
His letter follows:
Hi Gene,
Reread your entry to the mailing list ...
Apparently the latest bash in Cygwin modified the read builtin to use
Cygwin-specific shell option igncr to control ignoring \r characters
in the input (still not clear if that ignores \r\n sequences, or \r
followed by anything else will be also ignored).
If the igncr shell option (currently Cygwin-specific, but Chet says
he is amenable to reviewing it for upstream inclusion in 4.5 once 4.4
released any day now) is enabled, then it eats ALL \r, regardless of
context. In other words, it ignores all carriage returns, as per the
... uhm ... what about the explanation in the help?
64-@@ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.3.46(6)-release (x86_64-unknown-cygwin)
64-@@ help set
set: set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]
Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.
Change the value of shell attributes and positional parameters, or
display the names and values of shell variables.
-o option-name
Set the variable corresponding to option-name:
igncr on cygwin, ignore \r in line endings
... this help message should be 'upgraded', should it not?
igncr: removes ALL \r's from value (Cygwin) ?
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