After I updated Cygwin yesterday, a daily database backup bash script (`automysqlbackup`) broke. My previous bash was 4.3.42-4 (installed when I updated Cygwin on 2016/07/23), current is 4.3.46-7. Here's the code snippet: ```bash local i;i=0; while read -r; do alldbnames[i++]="$REPLY"; done < <(mysql --user="${CONFIG_mysql_dump_username}" --password="${CONFIG_mysql_dump_password}" --host="${CONFIG_mysql_dump_host}" "${mysql_opt[@]}" --batch --skip-column-names -e "show databases") ``` This is supposed to get the list of all databases. Before it worked. Now every item on the list ends with the CR character ($'\r'), causing a bunch of issues with further script opreation. I'm using official MariaDB Windows x64 binaries. Frankly if mysql does output CRLF line endings, I don't know why that script worked before, considering that this command in an interactive shell produces a similar result: ```bash # echo $'information_schema\r' | { read -r var; echo "{$var}"; } }information_schema ``` But it did work somehow... Question is - what made it stop working now, and what would be best way to fix it?
Regards, Gene. -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: