Hi Dennis,

On Feb 17 10:23, Dennis Hagarty (dehagart) wrote:
> >> Thanks Achim - I've recreated my passwd and group files to be sure.
> >> I checked some domain lookups and they take a second or two for each entry 
> >> - quite slow.
> >> So, I'll leave nsswitch where it is for now and I've started cygserver.
> >If you are accepting suggestions, and up for some experimentation, try this:
> ># getent passwd $(id -u) > /etc/passwd
> ># getent group $(id -G) > /etc/group
> ># echo -e "#\npasswd: files db\ngroup: files db\n" > /etc/nsswitch.conf
> >
> >and start bash without cygserver running. Just for test.
> >The idea is to have "your" groups in files so that in simple case of (just
> >startup" Cygwin don't have to talk to DC all too much. If at all.
> >You'd still need to run cygserver to benefit from long-time caching, though.
> Apologies for my slow response - urgent RFI's.

You didn't reply to my suggestions.  But, anyway.  Due to the nice
report in https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-02/msg00511.html I now
came up with a new Cygwin test release 1.7.35-0.3, see

Can you please try this test version without cygserver, and with
the passwd and group settings in /etc/nsswitch.conf set to

  passwd: db
  group: db

It would be very interesting to know if this improves the situation for


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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